Check me out and have your people call *my people.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
What My Resume Won't Tell You
I come from an unconventionally large family. And they're everything. You could say I've been managing projects my whole life...

The Jersey shore is my happy place. No, you can't call me Snooki. That title is earned and I'm nowhere near. 

I have a dog. I love him. He's perfect...even when he is being a certified Not Good Boy™️.

I really like talking to people! My friends joke that I know someone everywhere we go. I disagree, but I'm a people-pleaser so I never argue. 
Edit: Most people. A jerk is a jerk no matter how you cut it. I don't have the time and you don't want to play, promise.

*It's me, I'm the people.
gimme a shout!
Thanks for hollering, I'll hollaback, girl!
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